December 2019 Tanzhalle Wiesenburg Berlin

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This article is still under construction.

Location and circumstances

Tanzhalle Wiesenburg


Emese Csornai

Annegret Schalke

Ruth Waldeyer

Bruno Pocheron

Ryan Holsopple

Claire Terrien

Martin Mulik

Marc Lagies

Catalina Fernandez

Focus points

  • feedback circuits (light, sound, different senders and receivers) and treatment of feedback
  • sound analysis
  • a tribute to the dmx universe (:-) )
  • arduino / raspberry pie´s
  • extended osc network including raspberry pies
  • exchange of patches / scripts etc.
  • documenting
  • going further with video input to dmx (working with colors f.ex.)

tools, protocols, environments:

  • pd, vvvv /  touch osc, lanbox (lcedit), cubase, ableton live, python…

What has been developed

continue and document the work on Papier.Falten. by Christina Ertl-Shirley and Ruth Waldeyer a project including ultrasonic sensors, Arduinos, a Raspberry Pi + BitWizard DMX Interface for light controlling, Raspberry Pi as Gateway.
