Geert Belpaeme

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Geert calls himself a performing artist and maker. He performs in others and his own work. He graduated from KASK in 2010, after which he was immediately offered a job as a teacher. Teaching at KASK gave him the opportunity to continue his search for what theater and performing meant. He started his own research within KASK about 5 years ago, which focused on his own pedagogical practice. He predominantly works with first-year students and tries to examine a very basic starting point of what it means to stand on a stage. Without any characters, text, or concepts. Just the space, the presence of a body being watched and watching.
Image inspired by the work of Wouter Van Vooren
He tries to show how meaning comes to exist when someone interacts with space, which can be as simple as a person just standing there. It already tells a story.

He has also worked with what language entails and tries not to go into spoken language.

Recently he observed a physical presence or element in his work which for him has a lot to do with clowning. Within his next performance, he wants to go deeper into this.