Capturing and processing vibrations

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Revision as of 17:43, 25 January 2023 by BrunoPocheron (talk | contribs)
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Starting Anne Juren's work on sensorial transference, Anne Juren, Paul Kotal and Bruno Pocheron came together in Tanzhalle Wiesenburg in January 2023 for a ten days residency focused on interfacing with vibrations inherent to objects and rooms, addressing the relation between inside and outside spaces . Marc Lagies and Marcello Silvio Busato contributed to that research.

Initial concepts

In sensorial Transference we used the term of trans-corporealities (which refers to the ways bodies are interconnected and travers by each other in a co-regulated way) that can happen during the treatment. For example heart beats start synchronising during a session between a patient and a practitioner and the body-systems start moving together.

We were interested in exploring how those interconnections can also apply to spaces and objects, how these are affected by their environment (the outside) and how the materials they are made of resonate (the inside). For that we focused on the notion of vibration within and beyond the audible and visible ranges, and tried out electromechanical ways of creating an artificial trans-corporeality between objects and spaces.

A similar approach can be found e.g. in the works of Bill Fontana.

Set up / Implementation

Creation of a sequence